Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Green River Gorge FAIL

On Sunday, Garry and I were going to hike to the Green River Gorge, but there was too much effort in trying to find it. We saw the Gorge while crossing a bridge, but no public parking. We drove too far after driving passed the Gorge and ended up at the Howard A Hanson Dam! That's almost an hour away from Auburn! So we turned around and saw a road that lead to Kanaskat-Palmer State Park instead. So we ended up going there. The river was unbelievably gorgeous, but I was disappointed in the trails. The first time I was determined to hike my butt off, and there wasn't even a mile.

This trail looked like it had potential for far distance hiking! :(

Oh, you mean after 1/16 of a mile there's a river? Well, the Green River was gorgeous!

Look, I'm on a bluff! I can see inside of people's houses!

Garry and I hiked down this steep, narrow trail leading to more river. There was a dead end, so I hiked so fast back up the trail. IT WAS STEEP

Hey, lightening tree.

The two textures were absolutely beautiful!

Garry took this one. Trees that beavers fail to actually get the job done.

Such amazing blue, rapid glacier water.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Earth hour, please participate!

Earth Hour starts tomorrow @ 8:30pm. Shut off the lights for one hour. :)

Eisley @ Neumos? Yes, please!

May 19th, 2011. Sixteen bucks. :)

I was in the car this morning trying to win tickets to Rise Against. I ended up not winning. This also results to trying to win tickets to the wrong show. Oops. I officially hate calling radio stations to try and win tickets.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20th, 2011: Warpaint @ Neumos in Seattle

Getting ready to perform!

Theresa Wayman

Theresa and Jenny


Emily Kokal! AHHH! She's super ADORABLE!

Emily doing what she does best, belting it out.

Emily and Jenny performing "Elephants"

Theresa, Jenny, and Stella (Emily was at the opposite end of the stage).

At the end of the show, Andrea, Meghan, and I waited outside of their tour bus. Jenny ran and went inside of the bus. We
tracked down Emily to take a candid picture before she bolted away. ahhhh :(

However, Theresa was free for a quick chat and a picture with Andrea and I. :)

And then we stopped Stella for a quick chat.
The first thing I said was, "This girl *points to Andrea* converted me!" And she said, "to Judaism? That's great!!!" I loved her sense of humor, and I love how quirky and crazy they all are! It's so amazing to see girls so carefree and funny making music and being who they are. You honestly don't see that around anymore.

ALSO: since I used my camera phone to record one of the opening bands, PVT, it recorded very distorted. They were absolutely amazing. Andrea and I were acting like tug boats during this song:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

rooms in the process

Mister Bob Dylan watching while I make lovely tunes.

One of my favorite shows hanging with my favorite band, Keane.

My boy, Talan, enjoying the sunshine with our new red velvet curtains.

Talan in the office/music room enjoying some bamboo zen.

my zen living room

The living room is the first thing people see when they walk into my small, cozy duplex. Out of all the interior decorating madness I've tried to accomplish over the years, I think this is my best layout yet.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Snow on Pratt Lake

Don't hate. I made it 75-100 feet from the beginning of the trail until I realized that going back down would be killer.

And here I am, struggling on the last 20 feet from the parking lot.

This might be the last time I will see snow until next year. Let the flowers blossom, and the dry weather begin! Seriously, I can't stand sitting at home when all these trails are calling my name.