I've created an exciting world. I left Federal Way when I was 21 to attend The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. My whole perspective of the world changed when I graduated in 2009. I left a humble, confident, well-educated, and new person.
The professors at Evergreen didn't just teach me, my class mates taught me too. I was in a college full of dedicated students who were smart enough to start their career without a Bachelor's Degree. I called Evergreen Hippy Harvard. They weren't just a bunch of intelligent hippies, they were absolutely passionate.
I now fill my life without boredom, and with confidence.
Statistically proven, Seattle is the most literate city in all major cities of the US. (Thanks to our caffeine addiction, I assume. Spending those late nights studying with starbucks in one hand and a book in the other).
Throughout my entire life, I traveled to all of the Western States of The US. I've also traveled to Montana, Wyoming, and Hawaii. The only outside country I've been to is British Columbia and Vancouver Island, Canada. The only country I've regret not going to is Egypt and Jordan, in which I was suppose to go during a program I almost took during college.
I'll fill these pages with my amazing journey.